Event Information
5 July – Prelims
9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
6 July – 1A Semi-Finals / Finals
10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
7 July – Finals
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
After Party Bash
Drama Centre Visitors Centre
Registration Cost
Early Bird Registration
S$60 for One division
S$10 for each additional division
Regular Registration
S$75 for One division
S$10 for each additional division
Late Registration
S$90 for One division
S$15 for each additional division
Event Registration
4 July 2019
Spinworkx Store (Orchard Central)
5 July 2019
Bugis+ Atrium
Competitor Entitlement
(1) Entry to 1 division of your choice
(Additional divisions at $10/$15 fee)
(2) AP 2019 T-Shirt worth S$24.90
(3) AP 2019 Event Band / Competitor Card Pack worth S$10
(4) AP Event Booklet worth S$15
(5) Entry, Food and Drinks for After Party Bash worth S$20
(6) Mystery AP Special Item worth S$15
Competition Categories
Single-hand String (1A)

This is the division each and every yo-yo player starts out on, whereby the player only plays with one yo-yo at a time. Single A is THE most competitive division around.
Double-hand Looping (2A)

This is probably the hardest of all the divisions to tackle for any yo-yo player, wielding two looping yo-yos at any given point in time.
Double-hand String (3A)

This style involves complicated and intricate string tricks with both yo-yos moving around at the same time, requiring immense concentration and accuracy from the player.
Off-String (4A)

For the Off-string division, the player plays with a yo-yo not tied on to the end of the string. This basically means that he or she is able to toss the yo-yo around off the string.
Counterweight (5A)

The Counterweight division is one whereby the player attaches a dice or any other object at the other end of the yo-yo string, instead of tying it to a finger, and manipulates this object whilst playing with the yo-yo.
Number of Finalists
15 finalists
7 finalists
7 finalists
7 finalists
7 finalists
For each of the 5 Pro Divisions, prizes are as follows:
Champion – S$500 Cash + Trophy + Prizes
Runner Up – Trophy + Prizes
2nd Runner Up – Trophy + Prizes